Learn C# Programming (in ten easy steps) [Version 2] is our premium level course for learning C#. It suitable for beginner programmers or anyone with experience in another programming language who needs to learn C# from the ground up. Step-by-step it explains how to write C# code to develop Windows applications using either the free Visual Studio Community Edition or a commercial edition of Microsoft Visual Studio (it even explains how to write C# programs using free tools for OS X). This is the completely revised and updated second version of this course.
C# is one of the most widely used an important of all modern programming languages. If you need to learn C# quickly and painlessly, this is the perfect course.
You will begin by learning the core features of programming – variables, constants, functions and data types. You will move on rapidly to learn about Object Orientation and the more advanced features of C# and the .NET framework such as file-handling, data-streaming, dealing with exceptions (errors) and overriding methods. Even if you start out as a complete beginner, by the end of this course you will have built a really solid foundation of programming knowledge and skills. All the source code of sample projects is provided ready for you to download, run and modify. The course also includes an eBook that provides even more information on the topics being discussed.
The course instructor, Huw Collingbourne, is author of The Little Book Of C# and is Director of Technology with the independent software company, SapphireSteel Software.
Learn C# Programming (in ten easy steps) Expanded Edition is the fastest and simplest way to help you make the move from coding novice to professional programmer. The first version of this course was launched in 2012. The current version has been completely re-made and expanded with numerous new lessons.
Your Instructor

Huw Collingbourne has been a programmer for more than 30 years. He is a well-known technology writer in the UK. For over ten years he wrote the Delphi and Object Pascal programming column for PC Plus Magazine. He has also written numerous opinion and programming columns (including tutorials on C, C#, Java, Smalltalk, Delphi and Ruby) for a number of computer magazines, such as Computer Shopper, Flash & Flex Developer’s Magazine, PC Pro, and PC Plus.
He is author of a number of books on programming topics published by Bitwise Books: http://www.bitwisebooks.com.
In the 1980s he was a pop music journalist and interviewed most of the New Romantic stars, such as Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, Adam Ant, Boy George, and Depeche Mode. He is now writing a series of New Romantic murder mysteries.
At various times Huw has been a magazine publisher, editor, and TV broadcaster. He has an MA in English from the University of Cambridge and holds a 2nd dan black belt in aikido, a martial art which he teaches in North Devon, UK (http://hartlandaikido.co.uk/). The aikido comes in useful when trying (usually unsuccessfully) to keep his Pyrenean Mountain Dogs under some semblance of control.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome to the course (3:11)
StartThe Little Book Of C#
StartFAQ : Resources and Updates - Read This First!
StartC# Code Archive
StartQuiz Questions
StartQuiz Answers
StartWhat is in step one (1:50)
PreviewInstall Visual Studio (2:59)
StartVisual Studio 2019
PreviewYour First C-Sharp Project (5:05)
StartAdding Components to a form (4:06)
StartAdding program code (6:39)
StartHow to use the sample projects (3:23)
StartHow to customize Visual Studio (5:34)
StartTour of Visual Studio (7:05)
PreviewHow to follow this course on a Mac (1:37)
StartInstall Mono and MonoDevelop on a Mac (4:17)
StartHow to use the sample projects on a Mac (2:34)
StartHow To Create Visual User Interfaces With MonoDevelop (8:30)
PreviewWhat’s In Step Two (2:03)
StartData types (1:52)
StartVariables (4:05)
StartConstants (2:05)
StartComments (1:50)
StartKeywords (1:16)
StartFunctions (1:46)
StartNamespaces and usings (6:46)
StartData type conversion (5:13)
StartType casting (4:04)
StartImplicitly Typed Variables (4:39)
StartSummary of C# Languages Elements (3:26)
StartSample Program - Tax calculator (5:45)
PreviewWhats in Step Three (2:37)
Startif (2:18)
Startif-else (2:23)
StartSingle line statements with tests (5:43)
Startif-else-if (3:48)
Startswitch statements (4:32)
StartOperators (2:16)
StartArithmetic operators (4:45)
StartComparision operators (3:17)
StartLogical operators (3:02)
StartCompound assignment operators (1:31)
StartIncrement and decrement operators (1:10)
StartPrefix and Postfix operators (1:48)
StartParentheses and precedence (3:34)
StartComplex tests (5:41)
StartSummary of operators (2:20)